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Safety of journalists amid COVID-19: A multifaceted challenge

Online, interactive panel on journalists’ safety during COVID-19 organized by UNESCO and the International Civil Society Organization on the Safety of Journalists Coalition.

On the occasion of World Press Freedom Day, UNESCO and the International Civil Society Organization on the Safety of Journalists Coalition are organizing an interactive panel hosted online. The panel will shed light on and proposes coordinated solutions to the threats and safety issues faced by journalists and media workers amid COVID-19.

Moderated by Preethi Nallu (Advocacy Specialist, International Media Support) and with the participation of Nadine Hoffman (Deputy Director, International Women’s Media Foundation), Tabani Moyo (Director, Media Institute for Southern Africa – Zimbabwe), Courtney Radsch (Advocacy Director, Committee to Protect Journalists) and Ana Cristina Ruelas (Regional Director, ARTICLE 19 Mexico and Central America), the panel covers the multifaceted challenges to journalists’ safety. Opening remarks will be made by Guilherme Canela, Chief of Section for Freedom of Expression and Safety of Journalists at UNESCO.

The panelists will provide a global overview of the threats and attacks on journalists in the face of the pandemic and give special attention to gender and diversity issues related to safety concerns. The panel will additionally cover particular countries and explore how emergency legislation, verbal attacks and police harassments have intensified and compromised journalists’ safety.

The event takes place on Wednesday, 6 May 2020, 15:00 – 16:45 CEST. 

Meeting link (Microsoft Teams):  Meeting Safety of journalists amid COVID:19 : A multifaceted challenge – 6 May 2020

credit>> UNESCO