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UNESCO builds capacity of community radios scribes in journalism, ICT

A Group photo

UNESCO has just concluded a capacity building of 26 CRs journalists on the use of ICT to enable them report issues of local concern and to provide access to relevant, culturally appropriate, gender responsive and accurate information to the hard-to-reach communities.

The five days capacity-building session took place in Arusha, from December 5- 9, 2019

with two ICT experts one from UNESCO training participants in Journalism/writing in the era of ICT, specifically on use of internet and its meaning, technology revolution, how communication is done.

UNESCO through The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation funded project “Empowering Local Radios with ICTs for the Promotion of Rural Citizens’ Participation in Democratic Discourse and Development” supports 25 community radios as well as the network of community media in Tanzania (TADIO).