Machweo nyuma ya majengo.

Society Urged to Unite Against Gender Violence and Boost Women’s Economic Opportunities.

Society has been urged to join forces with both the government and non-governmental organizations in a united endeavor to eradicate gender violence and improve economic opportunities for women., where Ms. Saumu Bakari, a project officer representing Tanzania development information organization, TADIO, delivered a compelling call to action. Ms. Saumu stressed the necessity for societal transformation in light of the evolving global landscape.

She underscored the significance of discarding oppressive traditions and promoting economic empowerment among individuals. According to her, this is a pivotal measure in alleviating the undue burdens faced by women. The meeting, convened at the municipal council of Singida, saw the active participation of a diverse range of stakeholders, including religious leaders, development officers, policy makers, and the gender desk of the police.

This wide-ranging representation highlights the importance of adopting a multi-faceted approach to address gender-related issues comprehensively. Ms. Saumu’s message resonated with the overarching goal of the Women’s Leadership and Economic Rights (WLER) project, a collaborative initiative led by TADIO and various non-governmental organizations. Supported by funding from Un Women, the project aims to inspire, educate, and engage the community in fostering the meaningful participation of women, including those with disabilities, in leadership roles and economic activities at the grassroots level.

The collaboration between TADIO and other non-governmental organizations stands as evidence of the acknowledgment of the complexity and interconnected nature of the issues at hand. Through the pooling of resources and expertise, these organizations aspire to create a more inclusive and supportive environment for women, ultimately contributing to the achievement of gender equality and empowerment.

On the other hand, Ms. Shukran Mbago, the regional development officer of Singida, emphasized the government’s collaborative efforts with non-governmental organizations, including UN Women, to instigate positive societal changes.

Ms. Mbago explained that the government has forged an agreement with UN Women to execute the Women’s Leadership and Economic Rights (WLER) project, aiming to extend its impact to the Singida community.

Lastly, the meeting at the municipal council of Singida served as a platform for advocating societal change, with a specific emphasis on eradicating gender violence and advancing women’s economic rights. The varied attendance and collaborative initiatives, such as the WLER project, embody a concerted effort to comprehensively address these issues and foster positive transformation within the community.